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omnipotent last won the day on December 29 2023

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  1. Happy new year, dont die from too much alcohol
  2. i subscribed only once on rijin and rh it's just does not misses ANY BULLET, also bye rijin, i get banned lul, nice video
  3. my friend found out a god mode exploit but is maded with other cheat :/, its for versus
  4. i spent the most of the day on versus, il join to some normal games and just search for some lul
  5. now that you're saying, can you share me some minor exploits that you know? i want to try new things
  6. if it is a minor one, why not make a video with minor exploits? jaja, well good to know also, thanks
  7. there's also an exploit that if you use the lag exploit when a smoker grabs you, you don't take damage and only other things can damage you
  8. Royal Hack is even more cool at hvh than rage cheats lol
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