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  1. tysm bro!
  2. Hi, it's been a long time and you haven't answered, or do I still have to wait for an update?
  3. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1hMsbJbWqClWS9b1CvrKszIPavXSYSl6t/view?usp=drive_link my config
  4. tysm!
  5. I understand thanks, but is it automatically updated or do I need to download the launcher again?
  6. I went in and turned off esp altogether, but it still crashes
  7. and if on custom, then after a while maybe minutes or two
  8. when im joining a server
  9. Hello! I use a translator, I log into tf2, turn on the cheat, log into the game and I crash what should I do?
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