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About s0yi

  • Birthday September 15

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  1. yipppe!!!
  2. might as well throw it in the bus
  3. Will my favorite crown hack ever plan to support GoldSrc titles such as cs 1.6/hl1dm in the future?
  5. unstug = code hake no moar unstug = zombie))) must meak royalhak pwnage+++))) after that unstug can le draink cuz hake updat
  6. Freecam would also be nice to see
  7. Hi since there isn't really a gmod topic in private area I thought I'd just post it here instead Le bugs: Tabbing out with the menu on causes the game to hang unless you close the menu https://streamable.com/05mino ESP disappears when you get too close to a player while looking up or down https://streamable.com/91k3w3 ESP doesn't show correctly when using FA:S 2 Weapon pack sniper scope same goes with CW 2.0 (Chuck's Weaponry 2.0) https://streamable.com/muxchh ESP boxes are too big on small entities resizing box to what the size of the entity would be nice to see Suggestions I'd love to see royalhack for gmod being compatible with the 64-bit version of gmod as of right now it only injects to the 32 bit version Aimbot pretty self explanatory a nice feature that I'd like to see being added with customziable smooth and so on Backtrack would also be a nice feature to see in the cheat and being also able to backtrack people without the aimbot too A better entity selector being able to search or add entities by typing them and have an esp that shows you every entities GLUA executor maybe?? allows you to execute luas example loading lenny scripts alongside with royalhack ESP: Customizable name esp different esp boxes normal 3d etc hitbox esp weapon esp health bars being able to put the name esp weapon esp and health bar to the right left top and bottom etc perhaps being able to change the color too Show rank tag shows if they're an admin vip perhaps this could also be useful in TTT (Trouble in Terrorist Town) who's the terrorists and detectives lasor beamz cuz why not tf2 css csgo has it ESP distance limit it limits what can be rendered at your screen this can help with fps and less cluttered on your screen Color based esp this can be pretty useful for darkrp to identify which jobs they're in Aimbot target color shows which player is being targeted by the aimbot with your color of choice Chams see playdoh people thru wallz with different types of material flat textured wireframe and visibility check this could also be nice for esp too Glow/outline just a nice visually appealing Misc : No spread removes spread pretty useful I'd love to see being compatible with M9K FA:S 2 and CW 2.0 since that's what 90% server uses nowadays No recoil removes recoil pretty useful too Keypad stealer tells you what the code is to access the door can be useful in darkrp Spectator list see if someone is spectating you Bunny hop bong bong bong jump around the map in full speed Auto strafe automatically strafes for you by just holding the jump button directional strafe could be nice too Player list check their steam profiles add people to your friends esp/ignore aimbot too if it gets added with a click instead of typing their name highlight/prioritize a player with a different color could be useful if you wanna target a specific player
  8. Sounds awesome looking forward to it and one thing I'd like to see in the cheat is prefect silent aim
  9. Hi there I'm curious about when the battlefield 4 cheat ever releases
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