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  1. Anyone knows anything about H1Z1 JS - KOTK hack? or when Rust cheat will be released to public or Invite only?
  2. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DhShvUpi4YE Isent this royalhack?
  3. Did perfect aim get patched nooo
  4. Well i dont think i will be invited I just want it to be Private
  5. It's cool my dude. It's better if it's private thoe!
  6. KOTK would be the best choise of the hack becuse it's more players there and more fun at it. What i think but JS shoulde be cool too! Looking forward to it
  7. Does to gonna be for Just survive or KOTK? Thanks
  8. Dear Admin and mods! I have been cheating on rust for a long time and i have been looking forward for RoyalHack to make an Rust hack! We all know that you should make this hack private whit a ''Invite'' to get in. We know that V-A have been devel rust hack that got detected instantly and i don't think you want it to happen to RoyalHack aswell or do you? I'm just wanna let you all know that it would be much better if it was private. Please respond on this if you have time Thanks! Have an wonderful day and keep cheating my dudes [Sorry for the bad english if you think so] SLOWIE
  9. It will need to get private! It will be hard to get an invite for it but it would be really cool!
  10. If i should be you the royalhack i would make the rust hack private becuse of all the detection. Make it private harder to detect! Take care
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